How to increase your Brain’s Growth Hormone naturally? (read below) 

How to increase your Brain’s Growth Hormone naturally? (read below) 


Talk to people whenever you get the chance. If you  suffer from anxiety, push yourself outside your comfort zone and try starting a conversation with a stranger, your brain will thank you! 

Cut Sugar 

Many studies suggest that if you eat processed food and sugar (aka The Standard American Diet), you’ll have lower levels of growth hormone and neurotransmitters, and impaired cognition. Ideally, you should stick with the Whole Foods and pro tip….never follow the “junk food diet” 


People who experience a lot of stress produce less Brain Growth Hormone , and both acute and chronic stress has been shown to significantly decrease existing Brain Growth Hormone levels, one simple and effective way to lower your stress levels is simply meditate!! 


The fatter you are, the lower your Brain Growth Hormone levels will be. Research shows that Brain Growth Hormone levels are lower in obese adults and children! 

So in turn whenever you’re working out you’re technically getting smarter and stronger!

The world is full of natural ways of healing one self.


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